Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Airport traveling and not getting off track

Last week I took a vacation to California which consisted of many cheat days on food (hey bachlorette parties don't happen everyday!), but also included multiple workouts thanks to a good group of friends dedicated enough to pull me out of a comfy hotel bed and into the gym! And although I did have some energy drinks and juices while we were out, I don't actually drink so I got to keep those calories off my waist as well.

But the biggest struggle for me is the day I spend at the airport. On the way to where I am flying, I am well prepared with healthy food, snacks and ready to go, but for the return trip I was fresh out of good food and bloated from a long weekend. And I wasn't about to ask the bridal party to swing through the grocery store at 3:30 am so I could buy some apples for the plane!!

Luckily, I found apples at the gym in the hotel! And I took two. Thanks, Hard Rock for the apples. They were delicious.

So my first wellness tip for Airport traveling is: Dress like fitness is a priority:

I usually wear yoga pants and running shoes. That way, when I arrive to the airport and make it through security, I can walk some laps around the airport and get a 'lil cardio in and stretch my legs before sitting in a cramped seat for 2-3 hours. And when you pack like I do, hauling around my overstuffed carry-on and backpack is a workout all on its own!

I also have a stretch routine I do when they begin boarding or right before ( I try to be the last on the plane unless its Southwest, that way I'm not stuck in that seat with re-circulated air any longer than I need to be). I hope to get my pre-airplane stretch routine filmed and posted in the not so distant future, but for those who know the lingo: Hamstring stretch, piriformis stretch, low back stretches, calve stretches and butterflies. 
I ALWAYS get a ton of stares from people because I am a grown-ass woman sitting on the floor of the airport stretching, yet I can barelllyyyyy even touch my toes. But usually, the coolest thing happens... 2 or 3 other passengers get in a few stretches before they board as well! Some try to hide it and be inconspicuous but I usually stare them down until they feel my eyes burning into their skull so they turn around and I can give them a big, encouraging smile of approval! I love when feeling good is contagious, and I hope they carry the practice onto their trip. 

Next, get some fruit. Take it from the hotel gym if you need to, but apples travel very well. Grapes are fun, yummy and convenient!  Bananas - don't try it. Pears and plums are decent, and oranges if you like those as well. But apples are sturdy, don't get bruised and mashed in the backpack and are my go-to for airplane traveling. I do always say a quick prayer that the person sitting beside me doesn't suffer from misophonia like I do, but I eat it as quiet as possible and always bring a bag to put the core in when I'm done. 

This time, I had to pick up my sandwhich at the airport, which means I paid $9 bucks for some bread and meat, but with an angry GI system, it still sounded better than a $14 burger. 

So this sufficed as my meal for the evening, and it was all I needed to get back on track after an amazing weekend. 

Hope this helps y'all on your next adventure!

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