Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Why I became a Beachbody Coach

The short version:

I first started with Beachbody when I tried P90x with my brother in law. I was skeptical at first but amazed by the intensity of the workouts and the results I got, and I have been using their products every since. I dig that Beachbody programs are created to use minimal equipment, at my own house, because it takes away my excuses to not work out! I became a coach for Beachbody because I want everyone to experience the success that comes with their programs and to fight the epidemics of obesity and poor nutrition.  Being a Beachbody coach also allows me more freedom in my business life (aka financial!) so I can spend time in the outdoors creating adventures with my loved ones.

Friday, September 18, 2015

Why Should WE drink shakeology?? Is it worth the price??

I have a lot of people ask about Shakeology - most of these people have done just enough research to see the price tag and find another protein shake. I, too, refused Shakeology for several years, based off the price alone. But then I actually researched, and tried it!

What I first realized is this shake offers a lot more than protein. It is a dense super food, meaning it has all the exotic super foods that I can't pronounce and surely am too intimidated to buy, but that my body needs. I mean, what am I going to do with camu-camu and where would I even begin to find it in the grocery store down the road?! Truth is, the big box stores won't carry most of foods in Shakeology, and if they did, the price for all of them would far exceed the price of Shakeology.

I know I don't get all the vitamins and minerals my body needs to run efficiently, because most foods bought today lack what nature originally gave them. I don't buy organic, I don't plan to start buying organic. Shakeology is my supplement for all of that!

A link to the ingredients is here because blogger has made it incredibly difficult to embed a PDF :/

Most folks don't like to talk about their digestive systems (unless you are like me and my coworkers - working in a hospital, its a normal lunch time conversation!), but I am fully aware most of us have some kind of "issue". Not many people, even those are a healthy diet, are 'regular'. Shakeology has the prebiotics and probiotics that I was trying to find in yogurt, probiotic pills and whatever else cost under $15 and promised to fix me.

Weight loss - honestly not a goal of mine, and therefore I'm not the expert here. The success stories are hard to argue with, though, and I'm sure if you traded Shakeology for ice cream and/or soda, you'd see some pretty quick results! Which brings me to the next point, one of my favorites: taste.

When I first tried Shakeology, I mixed it with Almond milk and I was amazed by the taste. It quickly became the substitute for my dessert  (on most days...) and I continue to come up with recipes that make me feel like I am getting a treat, while my body gets all the fuel it needs to stay healthy.

So, give it a try! What do you have to lose? I mean, there's a 30 day money back guarantee! Click here to kick start your health goals.

Here is another video, perhaps they say it all better, but I wanted to offer my true feedback on the product. Because yes, it is pricey, but its because it is so much more than a protein shake.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

What is Piyo??

In the most basic terms, Piyo is a glorious mix of yoga and pilates.

I was skeptical because it had none of my favorite workout factors - running, weights, jumping. However, I did the entire program and I was really amazed!! It toned places of my body I had ignored for far too long. It tightened things up so they didn't jiggle when I ran! And by the end of it, I was able to touch my toes and my downward dog had come a LONG ways from when I first attempted yoga many years ago.

Traditional yoga is not really my cup of tea, I do it, but I don't love it... Piyo has more than enough dynamic movement so I still feel a sense of serenity (and almost a touch of grace) yet I gained a lot of strength.

Here is a video that explains it much better than I can, showing you some of the moves and set ups!

Thursday, September 3, 2015

September Beachbody Sales! Piyo and Shakeology!

 Beachbody Specials!

Beachbody has some great offers to get Fall started off right this season!! For those interested in either Shakeology or Piyo (both are used and highly recommended by Yours Truly!), this month is perfect. Remember that there is a 30 day money back guarantee on all beachbody purchases if you are not completely satisfied, so don't let that scare you from jumping in with both feet. 

  • PiYo® and Shakeology® Challenge Pack is available for $140 USD, regular retail price $160 USD. View the U.S.  promotion details.
  • PiYo Kickstart and Shakeology Challenge Pack is available for $180 USD, regular retail price $205 USD. View the U.S. promotion details.
  • 3-Day Refresh® and Shakeology Challenge Pack is available for $140 USD, regular retail price $160 USD. View the U.S. promotion details.

However, that being said - I believe you will only be satisfied if you truly put forth the effort to improve yourself! I love Shakeology and think it has amazing benefits, but I think in order to see the full benefits you have to put in a lil bit of work. Whether that be changing your eating habits or beginning a workout program or cashing in on that gym membership, every step makes a difference and you WILL fill different from the inside out. 

Challenge yourself, and your friends, to stop putting off the first step. Enjoy the journey, friends, it's a beautiful one.

Need more motivation?? Read about the Piyo Success stories here and shakeology success and satisfaction here

And although this is an independent study with a bias, I still feel it is worth the watch if you are as skeptical as I am: